
Sitting Comfortably
Pet Care

Pet Preferred and Parent Trusted Pet Care Solution
Delivering QUALITY Through Service Without Compromise | 816-739-8511

Med Limits & Core Vaccine Requirements

Medication Limitations

SCPC Pet Sitters have experience administering medication and providing extra medical care.  Under most circumstances, this is an easy-peasy task, HOWEVER, we all know every pet and 'pet med session' is not made equal!! 

As a Pet Parent, you may run into a few issues here and there trying to give your pet medication, but they KNOW you very well and the relationship/bond cannot be easily broken!!  Unfortunately, the outcome for Professional Pet Sitters may not be the same.  Our goal is to keep your pets happy, safe and healthy and the last thing we want is to make them feel uncomfortable; especially in their own home. 

When it's "med-time," if your pet tends to be feisty, aggressive, scared, anxious, hide, etc. their temperament may elevate during the sitter's attempt. On the contrary, some pets do not have any of the above behaviors with their pet parent but will exhibit them during the sitter's attempt. Over time, trust issues will develop, resulting in the following that we can NO longer risk

          * Unsuccessful or inconsistent medication attempt(s)

          * Potential life-threatening concerns, the illness returning or prolonged recovery time

          * Pet associating our visits with being one of frustration, anxiety, etc

          * Strain or termination of the relationship between the business/sitter and pet parent

If your pet requires medication, please notify Sitting Comfortably Management FIRST.  We will send you a medication questionnaire and discuss the level of care required.  We may also recommend a trial visit.  If we feel there is potential for one or more of the risks above, we will notify you and suggest an alternative pet care option below.

          * In-home: Hiring a mobile vet tech or having a trusted friend or family member care for the pet requiring medication, while we provide care for the other pets in the home

          * Boarding: Placing the pet in the care of a veterinarian, while we provide care for the other pets in the home

          * Hiring a different Pet Care Company: The safety of your pet is far more important than the risks above. We may recommend hiring a different pet care company.


The following list will more than likely result in us recommending an alternative pet care option:

          * Pilling cats and dogs - using hand or pill popper to administer directly into pet's mouth.

             ExceptionPlacing a pill in a pill-pocket or wrapping in cheese, deli meat, etc. is NOT a limitation that will result in us recommending an alternative pet care option.

          * Subcutaneous (SQ/Sub-Q) fluid 

Core Vaccine Requirements

We are often asked, which vaccines are required for our pets to be serviced by Sitting Comfortably Pet Care, so here is our response.

We understand pet vaccinations are a personal choice for every Pet Parent, but the core vaccines we RECOMMEND, which are also backed by the ASPCA, include the following:


  • Canine parvovirus
  • Distemper
  • Canine hepatitis
  • Rabies

Non-core vaccines are given depending on the dog’s exposure risk. These include vaccines against Bordetella bronchiseptica, Borrelia burgdorferi and Leptospira bacteria.


  • Panleukopenia (feline distemper)
  • Feline calicivirus
  • Feline herpesvirus type I (rhinotracheitis)
  • Rabies

Non-core vaccines are given depending on the cat's lifestyle; these include vaccines for feline leukemia virus, Bordetella, Chlamydophila felis, and feline immunodeficiency virus.

Although the previous list includes the recommended vaccines, Sitting Comfortably REQUIRES the RABIES vaccine for dogs, cats, and other pets, where applicable!!! We will be unable to extend services if the rabies vaccine has not been administered or if the vaccine has lapsed.

EXEMPTION - A letter of exemption from vaccination may be submitted if a licensed veterinarian has examined the animal and has certified in writing that the vaccination would endanger the animal's health because of its age, infirmity, disability, illness, or other medical considerations. An exempt animal must be vaccinated against rabies as soon as its health permits. Qualifying letters must be in the form of a written statement, signed by a licensed veterinarian, that includes a description of the pet and the medical reason that precludes vaccination. If the medical reason is temporary, the letter shall indicate the time of expiration of the exemption. 

OTHER - Routine health checks for your pet are strongly encouraged and recommended not only for the safety of your pet but also for everyone in your home and other animals/ humans your pet may encounter.  Preventative health care, which includes physical exams, current shots, and parasite control helps prevent disease and can also extend your pet’s life.  The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) deems proper immunizations as the standard treatment for pets.  Advanced health checks are further encouraged and can include intestinal parasites, skin parasites, heartworm disease, dental care, glaucoma screening, pet nutrition, senior pet health and wellness, microchip identification, behavior counseling, and dermatology.   

Sitting Comfortably Pet Care MUST be notified if your pet's health is ever compromised because of a lapsed vaccine or recent diagnosis that will require temporary or long-term medical attention.

Boarding Vaccine Requirements 

Sitting Comfortably prides itself on being a fully licensed, bonded, and issued pet care provider!

We are currently licensed with the State of Missouri as a non-commercial boarder, which allows us to legally board our client's fur babies in an Independent Pet Sitter's home. The law, however, requires all boarded pets to have current vaccination records on file before allowing a pet in the sitter's home. Please refer to the Core Vaccination Requirements for more details. You may email a copy of your pet’s vaccine records to or upload a copy into the Client Portal.